Éthiopie - définition. Qu'est-ce que Éthiopie
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"Éthiopie" is a charity song recorded in 1985 by the collective band known under the name 'Chanteurs sans Frontières'. The song achieved a huge success in France, topping the chart for two months and becoming one of the best-selling singles in that country.
Exemples de prononciation pour Éthiopie
1. Ethiopia.
Susan Spungen _ Open Kitchen - Inspired Food for Casual Gatherings _ Talks at Google
2. Ethiopia, you're going to save Ethiopia.
Coffee Story - Ethiopia _ Majka Burhardt _ Talks Google
3. Ethiopia, Mongolia.
4. in Ethiopia.
Coffee Story - Ethiopia _ Majka Burhardt _ Talks Google
5. central Ethiopia.
Coffee Story - Ethiopia _ Majka Burhardt _ Talks Google